Medical and surgical intensive care units belong to the Ambroise Paré Hospital, medical university located in Boulogne-Billancourt (medical center of the Public Hospital of Paris AP-HP). It offers 450 beds devoted to acute medical and surgical care. It is a component of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).
The service is integrated into the pole "Thorax-Abdomen-Vessels-Metabolism". It includes 12 intensive care beds and 8 beds monitoring. The service activity revolves around three main missions: the reception of patients in emergency life, teaching and research. In 2011, 785 patients were admitted to the ICU and 855 patients in the ICU unit.
To achieving these missions, the medical team of four doctors university hospital (a university professor - hospital practitioner, manager and three clinical leaders universities - assistant hospitals) and three hospital doctors (two practitioners full-time hospital and a medical practitioner attached). This team includes cardiologists, nephrologists and anesthetists training which gives versatility and complementarity in the care of patients.
The teaching mission is carried first to the Faculty and the University and provides training for medical students in the field of resuscitation. In addition, teaching internal service oriented pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary interactions. As expert center, a theoretical and practical training provided to them in the field of echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal). Finally, the service regularly hosts foreign doctors from various backgrounds for specialized training in the field of hemodynamic monitoring by echocardiography.
The research activity of the department is focused on acute circulatory failure occurring both during states of shock during acute respiratory failure, critical situations where echocardiography is a transversal research tool.